Co-curricular Ethos

Welcome to the The co-curricular part of the website. It has been prepared to show students and parents what is offered as part of the curriculum at GitaRam Academy.

The co-curriculum programme is a wide and critically important part of the education offered to each student at school. In the words of the Headmaster ‘It is all curriculum’. He uses this phrase to explain why there is as much learning out of the class room as in it and that learning in and out of the class room are infact, mutually dependent upon the other.

The school encourages students to develop their genuine interests and talents by getting involved with a wide range of activities and clubs on offer. By participating in these activities students will be able to discover their interests, enjoy learning more about the activities and the skills required for these activities and, at the same time, they will make friends and have fun.

Once the students realize where their interests lie, the school will support them to develop their interests and pursue their talents. Tutors and House masters guide the students in making choices and also in managing time, which is an important factor to keep in mind while making decisions about what to focus upon.